Boiler Division

With over 40 years of experience, Estes Industrial has been the leader in boiler services in the state of Louisiana.

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Our People

Our Boiler Foreman have an

average of 30 years of

experience with loyal,

experienced boiler makers to

get the job done on schedule.

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Our Service

Repeat customers are a great

indicator of quality and service;

every sugar mill in the central

Gulf Coast is our client, every


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Our Difference

On-time, every-time Do the job right, the 1st time 24x7, 365 call-out crews.


Maximize Steam

Production &


Minimize Leaks &

Failure Frequency

Reduce Downtime with 24x7, 365 Callout crews

Decades Long

History of Delivering

Projects, On-Time

Dedicated Safety

Director, In-House


Boiler Tubing

Installation and


Installation Modification Rebuilds & Repairs of Various

Boiler Types

Fired & Non-Fired

Pressure Vessels, API Storage Tanks & More


Construction, Piping, Structures Foundations

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Our Boiler SErvices:

Installation of package boilers
Installation of field erected boiler alterations of both fired and non-fired pressure vessels
Casing repairs
Re-tubing of boilers, heaters, super heaters, air pre-heaters and economizers
Burner modifications
Installation of lox-box burners, air systems, dampers, expansion joints, grating and feed systems
Fabrication of boiler or furnace components
Boiler tubing installation and repairs.
Complete installation of new and
used boilers

Certification and Expertise

We are authorized by the ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) to design and construct boilers and fired pressure vessels using our “S” stamp. We carry the ASME “U” stamp and are authorized to design and construct unfired pressure vessels.

We are certified to make all repairs and alterations on your boilers and pressure vessels using our NBIC “R” stamp.

Are you ready to start your project?

Find out how Estes Industrial can improve your bottom line.